Mansukh Mandaviya, the Union Health Minister, announced on Tuesday that over 86 percent of India’s adult population has been fully vaccinated against the new coronavirus. This comes as the total number of vaccination doses given in the country has surpassed 188 crore. Until 7 p.m. on Tuesday, more than 19 lakh (19,67,717) vaccination doses had
READ MORENirmala Sitharaman, India’s finance minister, met with officials from the US semiconductor sector and asked them to invest more in India. The Finance Minister discussed prospects for enterprises in Silicon Valley, as well as the government of India’s resolve to be a reliable partner in the whole semiconductor value chain, with the Indian Semiconductor Mission
READ MOREIn the fiscal year that ended on March 31, India’s crude oil import bill then doubled to $119 billion, as global energy prices skyrocketed following the restoration of demand and the crisis in Ukraine. According to data from the energy ministry’s Petroleum Planning & Analysis Cell, India, the world’s third-largest oil consumption and importing nation,
READ MOREOn Thursday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed the nation from the Red Fort, declaring that India has never posed a danger to any country or society and that the country upholds the ideals of Sikh gurus. In 1675, the Mughal monarch Aurangzeb assassinated Guru Tegh Bahadur, the ninth Sikh Guru. “This sacred Gurudwara reminds us
READ MOREIndia will provide an additional $500 million in financial assistance to Sri Lanka for it to buy fuel, Sri Lanka’s foreign minister told reporters on Wednesday, adding Bangladesh was also willing to postpone a $450 million in swap repayments. “Assistance by the IMF will take about six months to come to us and it will come in
READ MORERegulating crypto assets along with digital currency, addressing the remaining regulatory concerns in the banking sector, and integrating with the global economy are among the few mid-term structural issues for India, a top official from the International Monetary Fund has said. Overall, the IMF is looking at India in “a very positive fashion,” Tobias Adrian,