India on Thursday said it has not received any report of a hostage situation regarding Indian students in Kharkiv and that it has requested the support of Ukrainian authorities in arranging special trains for taking students out from the city and neighbouring areas. India’s comments came hours after Russia claimed that some Indian students in
READ MOREPrivate carrier IndiGo, which is assisting the government in its efforts to rescue the Indian nationals stranded in Ukraine, will operate six additional evacuation flights on March 2. The airline, in a statement, said two flights each will be operated via Istanbul, from Delhi to the Hungarian city of Budapest and Poland’s Rzeszow. Two more
READ MOREIndian students in Ukraine who were trying to flee the war-torn country have shared disturbing details of the ordeal they have been facing on the Polish border. Many of them alleged that they were not allowed to cross into Poland while others said they were beaten up by the authorities at the Shehyni-Medyka border point connecting Ukraine with Poland. The
READ MOREWith 11,499 people testing positive for coronavirus infection in a day, India’s total tally of COVID-19 cases rose to 4,29,05,844, while the active cases further declined to 1,21,881, according to the Union Health Ministry data updated on Saturday. The death toll climbed to 5,13,481 with 255 daily fatalities, the data updated at 8 am stated.
READ MOREIndia has reported 16,051 fresh COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, 19.6 percent lower than the previous day while the number of active cases, too, continued to decline swiftly. The active COVID-19 caseload in the country stands at 2,02, 131—9.8 per cent lower than the previous day. Active cases now make up less than
READ MOREIndia has won the bid to host the 2023 International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) session in Mumbai, in an unopposed race on February 19. The Indian delegation made its presentation to IOC members during the 139th IOC Session, being held alongside the ongoing Winter Olympics in Beijing. This will be the first time in four decades